[ENG] Interactive museography for the Paleaontology Museum of the Catalan Institute of Paleontology (ICP). Designed and produced by the interdiciplinar studio Touché (I was one of the founders) during 2009/2010. The space had diferent interactive moduls: a multitouch table for the activity of the reconstruction of fossils of dinosaurs, and an interactive journey where visitors experiment with the idea of been a scientific for one day. The journey is guided by a scienphic character that accompanies the visitor through different spaces thanks to 5 multitouch screens. Visitors are identified with a card so each one can follow the process of the journey at their own pace. The journey has 15 educational interactive games and 15 video clips that simulate a real scientific process of discovery.
- Design and production: Touché Projectes Culturals S.L
- Design of interactive media: Carles Sora
- Coding: Felip Ladrón, Carles F. Fernández, Daniel Gallardo
News & Press:
Museos de España, mucha gana de tecnología y poco arte tecnológico (ELPAIS.COM)